Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time between failed trip and next trip

So yea i have been florida lifeing it up again...And i tell you these retirees can party. I hid out in the spare room on ladies night crying under my sheets as the ladys partyed till the wee hours of 10pm. Not so exciting but yesterday was a zinger. Another day out on the boat this was suposed to be a ladys day but me and Denis taged along for the fun. We were all suprised by our first visitor who nearly bumped the boat

then swam and played around us

We also saw this guy
and he made me think we should change the expression "ive got a turtle peeking out" to "ive got an eguana peeking out" So you could be all "get me to a washroom ive got and eguana peeking out".

The day caried on with sunning and beers things got a bit wild on the boatThen out to dinner.... more drinksBut as me and my mom are new to this Florida life and cant seem to keep up with the veterns down hear are day ened soon after with a bit of....
sleepy time. But dont worry we woke up to watch The Wheel and Jepordy then went to bed.

Alright next update will reveal where i am headed this sunday.......... ill give you a clue its in this picture

The Truth

Alright bloguverse readers its time you all know. On day 3 of the trip my knee gave out. I have been sheltering you from this unfortunante truth as i know some of you have nothing more to lookforward to than these posts. On day 3 after about 30 miles of riding my knee bent backwards and was rendered inoperative for any cycling. I rode the city bus back to the closest city were i could catch a greyhound back to hear. I missed the last greyhound that day would would need to hobo another night(i found a sweet spot inside a bush in a park but again spooky noises). As i wandered the city amelessly pushing my bike a small bearded man wearing mutiple hats biking on the side walk rode next to me and said"ross thats a nice bike". Well as i felt very defeted and had intended to leave the stupid bike in a gutter i said"you like it you wana buy it". We worked out the intracasies of the deal he metioned he hadent showered in a while gave me 20 bucks and refused to let me take his picture but he looked somethin like a cross between these dudes
only wearin a big white hat over a big straw hat.
So have been back a few days ice for knee relax bit a golf i do have a new plan but its a suprise for a few more posts from now pritty much i have a funny pic i want to put up first so yea it comes soon.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Nuts of the road

You encounter several kinds of nuts while riding a bike a great distance. The 2 nuts i was quickly introduced to were swamp nuts
,caused by long rides in hot temperatures with not so breathable shorts on. This is not pleasent but is nothing in comparison to numb nutsIm sere my terible bike eat was responsible for this. Both nut problems are quickly cured by standing up on the peadles for a bit and vigourously shaking my lower half. I think a better seat and a better pair of shorts like these would have helped.An impreseive get up and flatering to the pakage espesialy as there isent even a pakage there to flater but i wouldent be caught dead in these more than 3 miles from Lepzig.

Mehh where was i

Yea so post lunch next to turd
I continued on my way. By the time the sun was setting i had biked 80miles(137km)and i had found my self a secluded spot in a park to hobo down for the night. I feisted on vanila yogurt and grany smith apple's and tuked myself into my hot pink sleepingbag. A ruff first nights sleep with spooky noises(thats the spooky-est font i could find), bug bites and a sweat like you wouldent belive.
I woke up at the crack of dawn to hit the rode again bit sore from the sleep and the day befor but in high spirits.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yea so ahhhhhhh

I bought the hat on day 2 but i love it i had to add the strap so it wouldent blow off in the wind

Alright well ill start from the start always a good place to...start.
As any one who knows me know i have an amazing sence of directions wich is why it is so puzeling that when i got to the end of my moms driveway the first posible place to make a desions on direction(unless i had biked into the back wall) I managed to take the wrong turn leading me into the labryinth that is this naeighbourhood and eventual spitting me out at the exact oposit side of this massive complex, not a great start as it aded like 3 km to my day. But i would not let this crush my sprits i mean realy whats 3km added to 2400 ill walk furthere into the woods to take a leak over the next what ever days.

So smoth riding for the first few hours then for the first time in 20something ears of riding a bike i got a puncture, but like a good boy scout im prepared extra tube(wrong size but i squezzed the 27inch tube on the 26inch rim) and all the tools i need... nope not realy have the wrench to remove front tire but back is a diferent size shit. Well still high spirits and all that crap went to the closest gasstation kindly old lady has one in her truck im back on the road. Its a short day as i have freinds in they keys i can stay with only 50somethingKM.


Head north anlong the keys into a vishious head wind and for the first time in several months they are perdicting rain. So i strugle along at a snails pace fighting a head wind and having to push this heavy bike up all the bridges as my single gear and total wieght make anything greater than a slight inclin imposible to ride up. But its fun and its an interesting area good scenery yaada. Bam second puncture fix... Oh i forgot the freinds i had stayed with the night befor one of them had been kind enof(quite the eagre beaver) to go into microsoft maps and pritn me off a detailed map of the entire trip with recomendations of amazing route staying very close to shroe and seeing all these neat islands much better than my few scribled notes of what highway numbers i would stay near. His route took me to thisFloridas longest and highest bridge the sun shine or some stupid name. I had originaly sceen it on the map and figured i could not cross its an expressway bla bla. But if Barry included it it can be done. So i rode to the toll both and had my dolar redy for the lady in the booth she took one look and said "No Bikes". I protested i have sceen no signs that say no bike.... she got on a phone told me to ride up to the rest area and talk to the cop there. I rode past her and a few Km later the exit for the rest area aproched on my right and i thought i realy dont need a rest ill ride on. So i rode and its nother few Km i start to see no walking signs and i figure im not walking no problem, altho i had been having trouble with a gentle inclin on this bike and this bridge is so steep it give my mom the hebegebees to drive it ill just ride up and say oops dident think i would be walking. Well i got to the very start of the incline and this after more than 1okm without a sign is were they decide the no bikes sign should be. Im not one for braking laws especialy in the land of gun toting crazzys. So im at a loss i cant ride bake to the other highway it will add over 100km and well i would just feel defeted. So i shot my thumb out and smiled. This had little to no effect on the cars flying by at 120km/h i did get a few honks and smiles and the police on the other side of the rode. Well im not one to wait around on Jonny law so i need a plan.

This is what i came up with

I rode back to the rest area and asked a few pickup driven folk if i could toss my stead in the back of there truck. First 2 were not keen but lucky number three said it would be no problem but his truck was full and i would need to ride in the back. Sounds great to me. So hear i am 120km/h over this massive bride in the bed of a truck.

After this eventfull moment realy felling like im on my way i decided to stop for lunck at this senic spot i eat sitting in a mangrove tree that sat over the watter a few feetI thought i had found such a beautifull lcation to celebrate. As i finished my lunch i looked over and discovered someone eles had thought this was a beautifull location as well but lunch had not been there activity i had just dined several feet from what someone thought was a great location for a toilet.

Ok there is more but its 3am and i should sleep ill post more soon

Monday, March 16, 2009

One more thing

Oh it was brought to my attention that i might be crossing a line by chosing to travel the way i will be. See right now im sonething like this
But as i will be living out of 2 brife cases sleepin on the side of the road and am thingking of fishin off of bridges and peirs and have entertained the thought of snaring some small game along the way i might be crosing a fine line and becoming something more like thisor this with a grim future as the spokes person for a product like this
I guess will just have to wait and see. Hobo that dont sound to bad.


Well Its 6:38 am and i have been up since 4am, woke up to take one of thoses smelly aspargus pees and havent been able to sleep since. I did a pre trip check of all my stuff, that looked something like this

It all still fits altho i did some poor planing when i left as it was -10000 and i was wearing all my warm clothes so my stuff fit nicly. It is now +27 all day every day(not to make any one up norht jelous...well mabey a little bit) and i dont think ill be neading the same stuff. But i did want to bring a hoodie and jeans both wouldent fit and as i dont fell like a man if i dont have my wearin jeans I made the sacrafice and am leaving the hoodie behind might regret this later if i am frezin my ass of on beach one night but mah.

So have usual pre trip jitters feels like i have this guy bootin around in my stomack but im sere that will disapear with the miles.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

every one

yea i just tried to email literaly everyone whos email i have but hotmail said "i have reached my limit of email for 24 hours" that sucks i "know" more people than hotmail will even let me mail i realy never knew i was that "cooL"

first shost

I wanted to get some action shots of me riding to start the site off with
well i gave my mom the camera and hears how it turned out.

but we got it done its the picture at the top

hear what she looks like with no gear

and all loaded up

And thats everything im bringing. A pair of matching red leather breifcases with all my clothes and stuff and a 10L backpack. Also that sweet pink sleeping bag(it was the only one at the goodwill, well not only 1 but best/cheepest) i also have a matching pink camer(Sony Cyber-shot w1200 it was a crazzy good deal but they only had the pink fucker). My mom thinks ill be labled as "a gay" but what ever.

Im going to take some pics of all the shit im taking im sere everyone(no one realy as i havent told anyone about this yet) will be entrawled with my 5 pairs of undies and socks but fuck its my blog and ill do what i want to.

The Deal

Alright so im in south florida and im tryin to bike to mexico
this is pritty much what im lookin at

View Larger Map

Now Google has informed that that this is 1515miles and thats 2438km
As i have no idea how fast i can ride that rikity old girls bike im gona guess this is over a months ride. I pulled a number out of my ass that i could ride 100km a day. Ill have a better idea when i actualy ride the bike as to this point i have only taken her around the block a few times.
But she feels like a runner and for a guy that lives like i do im in fine riding shape.
