Thursday, April 30, 2009

gone gone gone i been gone so long

Long time no blog
been away
am back
so yea i spent the last month in "sunny" Portugal. I use the "" because "sunny" Portugal looked more like this
Ok it dident snow and it wasent 1931 but it was cold and wet for a good 2n1/2 to 3 weeks i was there. Lisboners said it was worse than december and most of them blaimed me for bringing the shitty weather.
There was some sunshine and some very nice days. This was my 4th trip to portugal and i have to say i did more in this month than i had in all previous trips to date. I did all of the folowing:Thats me on the left, no wait im taking the picture thats someone from Benfica the loosing team in the benfica acadimia footbal match we went to see.
We had some pritty great seats and it was a riviting football match resuting in a crushing 0-1 loss but it was a great time..... One draw back to European football they only served Zero Alcohol Beer............... I had no idea sports could be enjoyed without a cold frothy one. Even without suds it was a great time.
Next was the tile museum
and as i love the many tiles around lisbon this was great. All sorts of cool stuff some suprisngly lifelike images of beautifull wimen
the tile museum is located in an old church so there was some kik ass religous stuff like this ancient skull and crossbones
Yea then there was this cool fountain i bought you know add a little bling bling to the front yard
I spent alot of time chilling in the same park reading books and drinkin beers hear is the view
I met a supper shaddy candian dude who was hangin out in lisbon waiting on an inheritance who cut his hand open breaking a window to steal the booze inside that was unforunatly booby traped
Then there was the beach
Beautiful beach eh
Man the next atraction we went to was a bit much
I have hread claims jesus was black dude but as you can see his ass is flat as a pancake open and shut case of beaing a white guy. So yea bit much this monument but the view from his feet(i kinda thought we would get to look out his eyes dont ask me why)
was very impresive. Its a lovely city.
Now im not to well versed in miracles but i dont recal anything about Jesus Lactating so im now sere what is going on hear
If anyone reading this(is anyone reading this) is thingking of visiting lisbon i would sudgest going to see this but dont waste the 4 euros taking the elivator to to top. Hear is the view if you dont go up, the cute girl was my lisbon tour guide and reason for going there in the first place
I did a bunch of other stuff but i am still a junior on the camera and dident snap too much. Saw a bunch of great films, went to spain to an amusment park and ... i dont know read some books went all around the city and did my best of doing what i went there to do.
So im back in florida have already got back into the retired life of up at 8 and to bed by 11. This was a huge update and i hope mildly entertaining. More to come

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A blog

Oh yea a blog
yea i got one of those

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

a douch tale

As no one seems to have any stories of me beaing a douch(i find this verrrrry hard to belive) im going to have to bring up some clasic douch gold.(i supose its more likly no on reads this, thats probs for the best) So yea a douch tale with love going to my cousin dave. When i was much younger i would spend enormous amounts of time chilling with my too rad cousins dan and dave they rocked. we wouldget up to all sorts of mistchif, tom foolery, and shenanagins, i would genrelay sweat threw it all. im sweater that shit is fact, i sweat watching people eat for god sakes. So yea tom foolery working up a sweat we would oftean end up back and dan and daves and i felt the need to be a bit... fresher. So i would take liberties with daves old spice deoderant. and for god knows what reason when i was done i would leave a few pewbes on the deoderant for him. deuch move thats a fact. well im older now still love my cousin still get up to shinanagins still sweat i do now own my own old spice and if i do use dave i only leave a few chest hairs fact.nahhh
i was going to trow in a funny pic of some pubes in the text but all i could find was this so yea be wear

Monday, April 6, 2009


Hey you will notice for the rest of the month this will be refered to as the douchuverse. This is because I was booked to go to central america with my old buddy old pal max but changed to go to portugal at the last minute...... A douch move so yea douchuverse
So yea douch month. If anyone wants to let me know when i did something a bit douchy please leave a coment it could help you know even an old douch can learn new tricks....Please dont write anything i dont want my mom to read...
I tried to upload some pics of other famous douches but im working o a computer the size of a big mac so expect more to come in douchmonth....
