Saturday, September 12, 2009


Well we couldent have chose a niceer place to sleep. When we started driving the next morning we were less than 20km from the entrance to the park. I went snap happy right away and i must have 100 pictures of the first few Km. It was less than 20 minutes in when nature decided to show us one its amazing creatures.
We were no more than 30meters from this massive elk. We watched him swim across a river then sit down for a rest. We drove through more amazing mountains and found the stop that had been sudjested by the warden who let us into the park. She took one look at us then let us know where to go cliff jumping. We hiked up to the bluest lake i have ever sceen. So clear you could see the bottom in places that were over 30meters deep. When we got there someone was telling us there is a cliff there 80 feet high, my sphincter tightend. That sounds like a chalange. I have never been to the top of a cliff i havent jumped dumb as that may be. Last summer i jumped the highest cliff of my life with my bestest of buddy Max, when we jumped it we thought it was around 100feet(30 meters) but max has since told me it was no more than 50. We were both sore for a month after jumping it. I figured there was no way anyone was doing an 80foot cliff. When we got closer i saw it. It was high but not as high as what me and max had jumped. Max i still think that was a solid 100 feet. I found a local who claimed he had mesured it to be 67 feet that 18.9M or a 6 storie building. Well after a few smaller clifs i knew it was time to step up. As I walked over and a croud formed. I only took a practice run, i would have waited longer to deliberated more but the show must go on
You might want to click on that one to realy see how big it is, that little spot at the top is me.
That was invigorating. And you know it always feels good to show up the locals. Funny thing im scared of hights. Hear is dave given'er that water was so beautifull.
Such a good swim.

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